compass atop a bowl of roasted coffee beans set inside gold laurels Tomasius Space

Ex dubium scientia. From doubt [comes] knowledge.

Star Citizen

Port-lit, metallic, Star Citizen Logo comprising a single cruciform star encapsulated by a wreath and set between the words STAR and CITIZEN

Star Systems
In-system view of a O-Type Main Sequence Star

Space Trials
Shuttle Class space ship

Cutter Class space ship

ASW Frigate Class space ship

Endurance Cutter Class space ship

Heavy Ordinance Endurance Cutter Class space ship

Life in Overlap

Technical Requirements
Starboard-lit, metallic, Star Citizen Logo comprising a single cruciform star encapsulated by a wreath and set betewen the words STAR and CITIZEN

Due Diligence

What is an RPG?
It all began with pen and paper

Gaming Concepts
USB Iconography

Gaming Psychology
Neural network node showing connective reinforcement

Who is Mercurio Morat?


UEE Citizen Record #1036582

Mercurio Morat is from Severus in the Kiel System - at least that is according to this record. As the edited highlights show, Merc's been around and could really be from .... anywhere.

2942-2943: Roughneck at Orthos West Mound, Planet Calypso
2943-2944: Team Leader for PFEU Hunts, Calypso
2944-2945: Project Manager for all PFEU events, Calypso + Arkadia + Rockropia
______2946: Started Tomasius Space - an independent research outfit
2946-2947: Benchmarked 26 ships from 18000 datum points
______2948: WIP: Benchmarking review and simplification for LIVE PU ver. 3

ALERT: cross-reference UEE Citizen Record #2441414 - Code: Blue Delta Foxtrot

Mercurio Morat is from Severus in the Kiel System - at least that is according to this record. As the edited highlights show, Merc's been around and could really be from .... anywhere.

2942-2943: Roughneck at Orthos West Mound, Planet Calypso
2943-2944: Team Leader for PFEU Hunts, Calypso
2944-2945: Project Manager for all PFEU events, Calypso + Arkadia + Rockropia
______2946: Started Tomasius Space - an independent research outfit
______2949: Project Manager for PFDSU; currently scouting Stanton

ALERT: cross-reference UEE Citizen Surveillance Record #UEE6IM-245428 - Code Yellow Tau X-Ray

2678: Unsub intrudes on a highly classified mission; Operation Hoodwink. Unsub's fighter engines fail and unsub ejects under fire. Unsub pursued down a Jump Point by Commander John W. Perry of Squadron 65's Black Flight. Commander Perry was never seen again but his fighter's tags were logged the next day by a surveillance satellite orbiting Lago in the Hathor System.
2679: A contractor named Mercurio Tomaso Morat is signed on for scouting missions. Commander Perry's fighter tags are logged once again and Mr Morat explained that he took the fighter as a prize from a Lago Pirate of unknown affiliation. The handler accepted the explanation with no further investigation and sealed the contract.
2680: House Tomasius registered as a company by Mercurio Tomaso Morat following the expiration of his naval contract.

Morat's status as a person of interest is dismissed as a product of database corruption. After more than two and a half centuries, no-one from the era of Illyana Messer's Administration could be alive today

It's nice to see a little left field swing the other way for a change!

Merc's Story

Did I mention that I'm a lowly woodsman from an iron age society? No? I guess that's got to be hard to digest, given that I now captain an interstellar ship and use a MobiGlas like it's a surrogate brain. However, there is a parallel between the dissonance of my story and the dissonance of my official record. Perhaps there is an explanation which does not involve database corruption, after all. If, as it may turn out, there is; let's keep that to ourselves, shall we?

The Vertical Learning Curve

Part Zero: Convolutions
How I went from Grunstrom Woodsman of House Tomasius and Tubec Legion Scout of Tubec Hall to Squad Leader and Project Manager for the PFEU Hunts in Entropia Universe before finding my way into something Illyana Messer didn't want witnessed. I still don't know what I'm supposed to have seen. I'll wager you won't be sure either...

Hauling: What could possibly go wrong, right?

Part One: Merc's Folly
When you've lost everything dear to you, things can get pretty low - and getting displaced from your part of the timeline is the worst. Thankfully, friends can offer a helping hand up, even when we don't know that they are friends

The Truth, the whole truth..."but only what I want to hear"

Part Two: The Hurston Job [WIP]
There is nothing more corrosive to truth nor more dangerous to bystanders than an agenda. This is still a work in progress so, spoiler alert - this might keep you awake at night!

compass atop a bowl of roasted coffee beans set inside gold laurels
Monday, ISO: 2025-February-17, 21:23 hours, UTC.